Thursday, August 24, 2017

Fall is for Gardening Too!

While the rising temperatures in spring send people digging in the garden, many people take advantage of the fall for gardening too!  Broccoli, turnips, collard greens, Brussels sprouts, peppers, lettuce, garlic and so much more!  Depending on where you live, your fall garden may need to be portable to protect from the elements.  Consider a gardening cart or a vertical gardening system with multiple planting pods as well as levels.

 Check out this fall garden from Hollis & Nancy's Homestead (their videos are great!)--

Are you planting a fall garden?  If so, share with us what you are planting, pictures and videos and you may be featured here!

Friday, July 14, 2017

Do you mushroom? I mushroom!

Mushrooms are, by far, one of my fav foods!  Particularly, I love mushroom quesadillas with white cheese- if you haven't tried them, they are the best (psst... keep reading and I'll tell you how to make your own).  Mushrooms have many health benefits and are delish in a multitude of dishes.  But did you also know they are very simple to grow?  We recently added a new product to our offerings!  Check it out!

The 12" Shiitake Log is the gift that keeps on giving!  Just one log will produce for two or more years.  Each log is inoculated with Shiitake mushroom spores in holes that are carefully drilled and then wrapped in FDA-food grade cheese wax.  Each log has its inoculation date stamped on it.  

Why Shiitake mushrooms?  They are THE gourmet favorite-- delighting dishes from pastas to stir-fry meals to salads-- and more!  They are a healthy and yummy addition!

Our Shiitake Mushroom Logs were recognized in Real Simple Magazine as a "Best Gift" and there sure were right!  These make a great gift for friends, family... and yourself!  Click HERE to order yours today-- shipped directly from the greenhouse.  In a short while, you will be enjoying "fresh from the log" Shiitake mushrooms.  

And as promised, here's a yummy mushroom quesadilla recipe for your upcoming Shiitake crop Shiitake Mushroom Logs

Cheese and Mushroom Quesadillas

· 2 tablespoons olive oil
·  1 pound Shiitake mushrooms (cleaned and sliced 1/4-in thick (about 4 cups)
·  1 to 2 jalapenos, stemmed, seeded and thinly sliced
·  1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro leaves
·  Salt
·  8 (6-inch) fresh flour tortillas
·  8 ounces Mexican melting cheese
·  1 cup salsa


Filling: In a medium skillet, heat the 2 tablespoons oil over medium heat. Add the mushrooms and chiles, stir well, and cover. Continue to stir every minute or so, replacing the cover each time for 4 to 5 minutes. Uncover, and let briskly simmer until all the liquid has evaporated. Taste and season with salt. Add the cilantro now. 

Griddle-baking the quesadillas: Heat a nonstick griddle or heavy skillet over medium heat. Turn the oven on to its lowest setting. One by one, make the quesadillas: Lightly brush 1 side of each tortilla with oil, then lay it oiled side down on the hot griddle. Spread with about 1/4 cup of the cheese, leaving a 1/2-inch border all around. Spoon about 3 tablespoons of the mushroom mixture down the center of the cheese-covered tortilla. When the cheese begins to melt (but before the tortilla begins to crisp), fold the tortilla in half along the line of the filling. Cook, flipping the quesadilla every minute or so, until the cheese is completely melted and the tortilla crisps, about 5 minutes in all. As each quesadilla is done, transfer it to a baking sheet and keep in a warm oven. Enjoy!


Friday, May 5, 2017

My Favorite New Product

GreenStalk Stackable Gardens

The Newest in Vertical Gardening 

I'm so excited to introduce our customers and readers to the latest in Vertical Gardening: GreenStalk Stackable Gardens! I love these planters and I want to tell you why these are different from any other stackable garden you may come across.

GreenStalk Vertical Garden available at

  • Features a simple watering system-- The internal watering system ensures that each tier receives sufficient water. So simple! 
Stackable Vertical Gardening System Drip Water Illustration by 855Sheller

  • More growing spaces-- Unlike other stackable gardens, GreenStalk features six growing pockets per tier. GreenStalk has a three, four or five tier option (as well as color choices of black or stone with more to come soon). With the largest option, you could essentially have 30 separate growing spaces!

  • Made of durable, high-quality materials-- No worries about investing in a system that you have to replace next year. GreenStalk is guaranteed not to fade, crack or break for five years.

  • GreenStalk Planter from 855Sheller

  • Perfect for all your growing needs--GreenStalk Vertical Garden is perfect for flowers, plants, strawberries, kale, eggplant, green beans, sweet potatoes, cucumbers, onions, tomatoes, herbs, peas, lettuce, zucchini, squash, radish, spinach, potatoes, greenery, corn, carrots, peppers, watermelon, beets, broccoli and more. Perfect for all your growing needs!

These are just a few of the awesome features of the GreenStalk Vertical Gardens.  Hop over our website at and check out more features or to place an order.  As always, free shipping.  Jot me an email with any questions and Happy Gardening!

GreenStalk Dimensions and Capacity

GreenStalk is a Kickstarter-funded project!

Friday, April 1, 2016

So Berry Glad You Visited This Blog...

Hello loyal readership!  We are cranking the old blogger back up after a hiatus and we must apologize for our absence.  The awakening of spring has our creative juices flowing here at Vertical Gardening Systems and we'd love to share what has us smiling today on this stormy Friday.

I simply love strawberries.  I mean, sure, they taste great!  A super sweet juicy treat that's not even candy?  Who wouldn't adore them?  But not only are strawberries simply delish.... they are super great for you!  Full of antioxidants and packed with much-needed nutrients such as folate, potassium, magnesium (my Facebook timeline is full of articles about how our diets lack needed magnesium!) and dietary fiber.  Plus-- they are loaded with Vitamin C!  A strawberry has about 4 calories!  In other words-- strawberries need to be in your daily diet!

That's the upside of strawberries. The down side?  They can be expensive!  Wait... how much do you want me to pay for a pint?  So what I am about to tell you totally makes sense!

GROW your own!  Yes... strawberries are NOT hard to grow!  This is coming from someone who hasn't always been known for their green thumb.  So if I can do it, I bet you can too!

I found a great chart that breaks all the ins and outs of strawberry planting down.  Take a look:

I love charts; I love info broke down in bite-able sizes. 

So that's a break down of strawberry know-how.  Now, let me tell you about some products that I believe are must-haves to get started with this strawberry garden.

We recently started carrying Strawberry Plugs (Herb Plugs too!).  These are 6-10 week old starter plants that save money.  No purchasing seed packets.. wasting seeds and all that mess.  These are ready for immediate transplant... ready to start producing some strawberries for you and your family!  My favorite variety of strawberries are the Alpine.  And that's what these plugs are.  They are shipped in a blister pack and handled with great care.  These are what you need to get started today.

We also sell quite a few different planters that would be great for strawberries.  We have the Polanter, the Flower Tower... and my very favorite-- the 3 Tier Strawberry Planter.  The latter one is made of cedar and holds up to 28 strawberry plants.  It's simply beautiful. 

Just for our loyal bloggers, we've put this item on sale 15% off.  Check it out! 

We hope you've found this Strawberry tutorial informative and showed you a bit of what we carry here.  Follow our blog, check out our website and have a wonderful growing season! 

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Grow a Garden In Your Home

I don't know about you, but when I think of a garden the first thing that comes to mind is a plot of land in the backyard or farm area. In a sense anywhere where there a lot of land. There are even small box gardens that smaller yards can handle without overcrowding the backyard. But not everyone has a yard they can dig up or a yard at all. That's where vertical gardening systems comes into play.

wall plant

A vertical garden system is a perfect solution for those who want to grow their own plants, but do not have the means to plant outdoors such as people who live in apartments. There are various sizes to accommodate your living space and come in multiple styles. Three of those styles are hanging, wall mounted, and freestanding vertical garden systems. You can use all three to your advantage.


Hanging vertical garden systems work well on decks, porches, and corners of rooms. Ideally they can benefit the most outside on a porch because of the natural light and climate elements. Of course it all depends on the plants you want to grow. Some of the popular types of plants people grow in a hanging planter are flowers, vegetables, strawberries, tomatoes, and herbs. If you think about it there isn't much a hanging garden can't handle. Although if you want to step up your game a wall mounted vertical garden system can take you to the next level.

hanging plant

Wall Mounted Systems

Wall mounted garden systems permit variety in your home while making a decorative accessory for your home. If you're interested in simply growing flowers there are some nice options to choose from. Frame kits make great spots for flowers to grow because the frame itself is decorative and allows you to coordinate the arrangements to your liking. Pocket planters are interesting because it uses an unique method to hold water. The polyester keeps moisture close to the roots, but is breathable making sure you do not over water. Because of the breathable design the pocket planters are best used on a porch or deck area hanging from a wall. fence, post, or railing. Additionally, the polanter kits are a new modernistic style to help add some flair to your home. Inside the polanter kit is a built-in watering system to help keep the plants watered with little effort. Another great benefit from the polatner is they are stackable, which makes it possible to add a custom look to the planters.

kids planter


Freestanding planters come in a few styles that include stackable, towers, and boxes. Freestanding gardening systems are great for decoration and to grow foods. You kill two birds with one stone with freestanding planters. There are some classy planters to choose from and can spruce up a living area quite nicely.

stackable planter

There are tons of option to choose from that can fit just about any size living space. Each vertical system helps gardeners be able to enjoy planting their favorite flowers, vegetables, and herbs without worry of being limited to only the outdoors.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Garden Tower Project

We love finding new and innovative ways to grow the maximum size garden in a minimum size space. Vertical Gardening is such a creative way to bring beautiful gardens and fresh food right to your fingertips, no matter where you live. We have recently learned about an exciting new vertical gardening system from Garden Tower Project.

This unique planter allows you to grow 50-70 plants in only 4sq feet!  Think of all of the different things you could plant together. Herbs, flowers, berries, vegetables, leafy greens, and micro greens, a whole bounty of fresh, organic food right at your fingertips. Not only are your growing all of these wonderful plants right on your patio, balcony, terrace, or even in your workplace or classroom, you are creating a beautiful, calm, and peaceful environment.

Workplace and classroom? Yes, I meant to type that. I have read all about Firefighters growing full crops right at the station to share and enjoy. Teachers can show children hands on how plants and life cycles develop with more than just a seedling sent home in a cup. They can instill pride and boost self esteem by teaching them a life long and rewarding skill. Pair that with sharing the food within the school or community to foster a love of giving back and helping others.The social mission of Garden Tower Project teaches kids the importance of connecting hunger issues in their community and the world, while showing them a way to help out.

You might be thinking, yes, but I can do that with any planter system. Sure, you could, but Garden Tower Project has also created a vermicompost planter. So, not only are you growing a maximum harvest in a minimum space, you are doing it in a very eco-friendly way. A special tube inside the Garden Tower is designed especially for compost. Add in worms and your kitchen scraps from fruits, vegetables, egg shells, grains, tea and coffee grounds for a fertilizer that will encourage even stronger and bigger plant growth naturally. What an amazing cycle if you stop the think about it. The left over or discarded parts of the plants your are growing can go back in to provide nutrients to your new plant growth.

What would you plant in your Garden Tower? 

The possibilities are really endless when you think outside of a traditional box.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Hello There!

Welcome to our blog! 

We love vertical gardening and want to share all about it with you. In this blog we will explore different ways to transform small spaces into beautiful gardens, plain walls into living walls, and how to breathe new life into tired spaces. The sky is the limit and only hindered by the size of your imagination. Join us as we show you how gardening isn't just a Spring time thing, but can be year round and how you will always have a space for a Vertical Garden.

We won't just talk flower gardens, but vegetable and herb gardens as well. Being short on space doesn't mean you can't have fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs.

You can always visit our websites at

We offer everything you need to transform your space into a vertical garden or living wall. Happy Planting!