Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Garden Tower Project

We love finding new and innovative ways to grow the maximum size garden in a minimum size space. Vertical Gardening is such a creative way to bring beautiful gardens and fresh food right to your fingertips, no matter where you live. We have recently learned about an exciting new vertical gardening system from Garden Tower Project.

This unique planter allows you to grow 50-70 plants in only 4sq feet!  Think of all of the different things you could plant together. Herbs, flowers, berries, vegetables, leafy greens, and micro greens, a whole bounty of fresh, organic food right at your fingertips. Not only are your growing all of these wonderful plants right on your patio, balcony, terrace, or even in your workplace or classroom, you are creating a beautiful, calm, and peaceful environment.

Workplace and classroom? Yes, I meant to type that. I have read all about Firefighters growing full crops right at the station to share and enjoy. Teachers can show children hands on how plants and life cycles develop with more than just a seedling sent home in a cup. They can instill pride and boost self esteem by teaching them a life long and rewarding skill. Pair that with sharing the food within the school or community to foster a love of giving back and helping others.The social mission of Garden Tower Project teaches kids the importance of connecting hunger issues in their community and the world, while showing them a way to help out.

You might be thinking, yes, but I can do that with any planter system. Sure, you could, but Garden Tower Project has also created a vermicompost planter. So, not only are you growing a maximum harvest in a minimum space, you are doing it in a very eco-friendly way. A special tube inside the Garden Tower is designed especially for compost. Add in worms and your kitchen scraps from fruits, vegetables, egg shells, grains, tea and coffee grounds for a fertilizer that will encourage even stronger and bigger plant growth naturally. What an amazing cycle if you stop the think about it. The left over or discarded parts of the plants your are growing can go back in to provide nutrients to your new plant growth.

What would you plant in your Garden Tower? 

The possibilities are really endless when you think outside of a traditional box.