Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Make Your Garden Grow Up

 Everywhere you turn, beautiful plants are there. Beautiful and full of life. You can't help but want to get in on that little bit of personal scenery. The problem is, you don't have the room, can't dig, only have a balcony, etc. Guess what?  Tell yourself this next phrase: I CAN have a garden to be proud of.
A great way to start is a vertical garden. Haven't heard of them? They are wonderful. Instead of trying to grow out, you just make them grow up.

Vertical Gardens are perfect for beginners.
  The right planter, soil, flowers, and water will give you
 a beautiful space to enjoy.  Now, if you are looking at that picture above and thinking, "How?", but the answer is simple. 2 words, wall planters. They attach right to your vertical surface, you fill with your choice of flower and a good soil. Don't stick to just flowers though, mix it up with herbs and vines for a mix of color and greenery. It really is as simple as it looks. You can redesign an entire space in one afternoon with ease.

VertiGarden Full of Life
Empty VertiGarden

Have you seen mailbox posts or porch pillars full of life? Yes, you can do that as well. Garden-Aire HugIt helps you with a tight fighting smart strap that hugs it right to any pole, tree, or post. It also has a 3 gallon capacity, so you grow flowers, herbs, and foliage.

What if you want a full wall of flowers and vines? Besides the Wall Garden that we showed above, we have a number of pocket planter systems that are easy to attach together and to your wall. WallPots are all new to the living wall scene. Lightweight yet durable, they make a great start to any living wall.

Wait a minute? You wish you could have a living wall inside? Our friends at Woolly Pocket have made a pocket planter out of recycled bottles. It is leak proof and perfect for indoors with a great airflow system that not only allows the air to circulate, but keeps the moisture inside your planter, not leaking water out of it or drowning your plants. Woolly Pocket comes with the options of 1,3, or 5 pockets to make your project a snap.

All of these vertical gardens look beautiful and might even look hard to do, but truly all they consist of is quality wall planters, good soil, beautiful flowers, and water put into a pocket. You can do that! It doesn't get much simpler! Let your imagination soar! Visit us at to get started. Everything you need to do the things shown here are available there and so much more.

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