Thursday, July 2, 2015

Grow a Garden In Your Home

I don't know about you, but when I think of a garden the first thing that comes to mind is a plot of land in the backyard or farm area. In a sense anywhere where there a lot of land. There are even small box gardens that smaller yards can handle without overcrowding the backyard. But not everyone has a yard they can dig up or a yard at all. That's where vertical gardening systems comes into play.

wall plant

A vertical garden system is a perfect solution for those who want to grow their own plants, but do not have the means to plant outdoors such as people who live in apartments. There are various sizes to accommodate your living space and come in multiple styles. Three of those styles are hanging, wall mounted, and freestanding vertical garden systems. You can use all three to your advantage.


Hanging vertical garden systems work well on decks, porches, and corners of rooms. Ideally they can benefit the most outside on a porch because of the natural light and climate elements. Of course it all depends on the plants you want to grow. Some of the popular types of plants people grow in a hanging planter are flowers, vegetables, strawberries, tomatoes, and herbs. If you think about it there isn't much a hanging garden can't handle. Although if you want to step up your game a wall mounted vertical garden system can take you to the next level.

hanging plant

Wall Mounted Systems

Wall mounted garden systems permit variety in your home while making a decorative accessory for your home. If you're interested in simply growing flowers there are some nice options to choose from. Frame kits make great spots for flowers to grow because the frame itself is decorative and allows you to coordinate the arrangements to your liking. Pocket planters are interesting because it uses an unique method to hold water. The polyester keeps moisture close to the roots, but is breathable making sure you do not over water. Because of the breathable design the pocket planters are best used on a porch or deck area hanging from a wall. fence, post, or railing. Additionally, the polanter kits are a new modernistic style to help add some flair to your home. Inside the polanter kit is a built-in watering system to help keep the plants watered with little effort. Another great benefit from the polatner is they are stackable, which makes it possible to add a custom look to the planters.

kids planter


Freestanding planters come in a few styles that include stackable, towers, and boxes. Freestanding gardening systems are great for decoration and to grow foods. You kill two birds with one stone with freestanding planters. There are some classy planters to choose from and can spruce up a living area quite nicely.

stackable planter

There are tons of option to choose from that can fit just about any size living space. Each vertical system helps gardeners be able to enjoy planting their favorite flowers, vegetables, and herbs without worry of being limited to only the outdoors.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Garden Tower Project

We love finding new and innovative ways to grow the maximum size garden in a minimum size space. Vertical Gardening is such a creative way to bring beautiful gardens and fresh food right to your fingertips, no matter where you live. We have recently learned about an exciting new vertical gardening system from Garden Tower Project.

This unique planter allows you to grow 50-70 plants in only 4sq feet!  Think of all of the different things you could plant together. Herbs, flowers, berries, vegetables, leafy greens, and micro greens, a whole bounty of fresh, organic food right at your fingertips. Not only are your growing all of these wonderful plants right on your patio, balcony, terrace, or even in your workplace or classroom, you are creating a beautiful, calm, and peaceful environment.

Workplace and classroom? Yes, I meant to type that. I have read all about Firefighters growing full crops right at the station to share and enjoy. Teachers can show children hands on how plants and life cycles develop with more than just a seedling sent home in a cup. They can instill pride and boost self esteem by teaching them a life long and rewarding skill. Pair that with sharing the food within the school or community to foster a love of giving back and helping others.The social mission of Garden Tower Project teaches kids the importance of connecting hunger issues in their community and the world, while showing them a way to help out.

You might be thinking, yes, but I can do that with any planter system. Sure, you could, but Garden Tower Project has also created a vermicompost planter. So, not only are you growing a maximum harvest in a minimum space, you are doing it in a very eco-friendly way. A special tube inside the Garden Tower is designed especially for compost. Add in worms and your kitchen scraps from fruits, vegetables, egg shells, grains, tea and coffee grounds for a fertilizer that will encourage even stronger and bigger plant growth naturally. What an amazing cycle if you stop the think about it. The left over or discarded parts of the plants your are growing can go back in to provide nutrients to your new plant growth.

What would you plant in your Garden Tower? 

The possibilities are really endless when you think outside of a traditional box.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Hello There!

Welcome to our blog! 

We love vertical gardening and want to share all about it with you. In this blog we will explore different ways to transform small spaces into beautiful gardens, plain walls into living walls, and how to breathe new life into tired spaces. The sky is the limit and only hindered by the size of your imagination. Join us as we show you how gardening isn't just a Spring time thing, but can be year round and how you will always have a space for a Vertical Garden.

We won't just talk flower gardens, but vegetable and herb gardens as well. Being short on space doesn't mean you can't have fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs.

You can always visit our websites at

We offer everything you need to transform your space into a vertical garden or living wall. Happy Planting!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Make Your Garden Grow Up

 Everywhere you turn, beautiful plants are there. Beautiful and full of life. You can't help but want to get in on that little bit of personal scenery. The problem is, you don't have the room, can't dig, only have a balcony, etc. Guess what?  Tell yourself this next phrase: I CAN have a garden to be proud of.
A great way to start is a vertical garden. Haven't heard of them? They are wonderful. Instead of trying to grow out, you just make them grow up.

Vertical Gardens are perfect for beginners.
  The right planter, soil, flowers, and water will give you
 a beautiful space to enjoy.  Now, if you are looking at that picture above and thinking, "How?", but the answer is simple. 2 words, wall planters. They attach right to your vertical surface, you fill with your choice of flower and a good soil. Don't stick to just flowers though, mix it up with herbs and vines for a mix of color and greenery. It really is as simple as it looks. You can redesign an entire space in one afternoon with ease.

VertiGarden Full of Life
Empty VertiGarden

Have you seen mailbox posts or porch pillars full of life? Yes, you can do that as well. Garden-Aire HugIt helps you with a tight fighting smart strap that hugs it right to any pole, tree, or post. It also has a 3 gallon capacity, so you grow flowers, herbs, and foliage.

What if you want a full wall of flowers and vines? Besides the Wall Garden that we showed above, we have a number of pocket planter systems that are easy to attach together and to your wall. WallPots are all new to the living wall scene. Lightweight yet durable, they make a great start to any living wall.

Wait a minute? You wish you could have a living wall inside? Our friends at Woolly Pocket have made a pocket planter out of recycled bottles. It is leak proof and perfect for indoors with a great airflow system that not only allows the air to circulate, but keeps the moisture inside your planter, not leaking water out of it or drowning your plants. Woolly Pocket comes with the options of 1,3, or 5 pockets to make your project a snap.

All of these vertical gardens look beautiful and might even look hard to do, but truly all they consist of is quality wall planters, good soil, beautiful flowers, and water put into a pocket. You can do that! It doesn't get much simpler! Let your imagination soar! Visit us at to get started. Everything you need to do the things shown here are available there and so much more.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

What is a Polanter?

The Polanter is a new vertical gardening system that was designed to replace the old hanging basket system. It is manufactured in New Zealand using precision injection molding and made of UV stabilized plastic that will not fade and is brittle resistant. The material is polyprolene which is indestructible and frost proof so you can use the Polanter all year round, even for winter bedding plants. The Polanter is 21 inches long and 5 inches in diameter and is offered in a variety of colors: dark green, terracotta, black, white, and lilac. With 12 carefully positioned holes, you can plant a variety of plants, including bedding plants, vegetables, salad, fruit, cacti, heathers, alpines, tomatoes, strawberries, herbs, flowers, etc.

 Mounting Options
 There are four different options to hang the Polanter--vertically fixed, vertically hanging, horizontally on a windowsill, or horizontally fixed. Vertically fixed will look great on the side of doorways or on a backyard privacy fence. Horizontally on a windowsill can take the place of missing window boxes to brighten up windows. Vertically hanging would be perfect for a front or back porch.

 How to Mount Polanter 
After receiving the Polanter, the first step is to decide where the Polanter is going to be placed and which mounting option would work best in that location. Using the fixing template on the corner of the Polanter packaging, using a felt tip pen mark on the wall the location of the brackets. For multiple Polanters linked together, the two supplied mounting brackets will need to be pushed up into the locked position in the keyholes and then use the felt tip pen to mark the location of the brackets. Drill holes for the screws on the locations marked on the wall. For concrete masonry, brick, or fibro-cement claddings, insert the four wall plugs in the drilled holes. To fix the mounting brackets, use the included screws and a flat headed screwdriver to screw the two included mounting brackets into the wall. To ensure the position is correct, slot the Polanter onto the mounting brackets. Once definite of the position, insert the matching colored screw covers to cover up screws. Remove Polanter from brackets to insert watering system.
*Note: When hanging horizontally, the 4 holes facing the ground will need to be covered with the four included plant hole covers to ensure that soil and water do not leak out. Also the included end cap lid will need to be placed on the opposite end of the hose connector base. When hanging by the included strap, simply insert the strap fasteners into the eyelets at the top of the Polanter and hang where desired.

 Assembling Integrated Watering System 
The integrated watering system includes four parts--one plain calibrated hose, one porous soaker hose made of recycled car tires, one straight connector, and an end stop.The calibrated hose end needs to be placed for a few seconds into a few inches of hot water to soften it. The softened end needs to be pushed halfway down the straight connector. This will be a tight fit to allow water to pass through with no leaks. One end of the porous soaker hose needs to be placed in the hot water to soften the end. The softened end of the porous soaker hose needs to be pushed onto the remaining end of the straight connector until both the calibrated hose and soaker hose meet in the middle.The other end of the porous soaker hose needs to be warmed for softening and then slide the end stop on the remaining end. The complete connected hose should be in the following order: the calibrated hose, the straight connector, the soaker hose, and then the end stop. Before attaching the watering system to the Polanter, the included O ring needs to be slid onto the universal hose connector on the end cap.

 To attach the integrated watering system to the Polanter tube the calibrated hose unattached end needs to be warmed in hot water. Then the warmed end needs to be pushed onto the stem pipe in the end cap in the Polanter tube as far as it will go. The watering system needs to be threaded through the Polanter tube. The Polanter tube cutout needs to match the end cap cutout. Once the end cap is securely on the Polanter tube, take two locking pips and pop them into the two opposite holes located on the end cap. This fastens the end cap to the Polanter tube. The hose clip needs to be popped into the hole at the back of the Polanter tube at the opposite end of the base end. Then place the watering system into the clip. This holds the pipe against the back of the tube.

 How to Plant your Polanter
1. Place two handfuls of gravel on the bottom of the Polanter tube to help with drainage.
2. Scoop two trowel fulls of compost into the Polanter until the soil reaches the first hole.
3. Soak the soil end of the plant in water for a few seconds. This helps with molding the soil and roots into a cylindrical shape.
4. After molded, from outside of tube place the plant in the bottom hole. From inside of tube, feed       the soil end of the plant through to your other hand. 
5. Repeat the process on the opposite side of the Polanter tube.
6. Add more compost until the bottom of the next hole and firm down.
7. Continue steps 2 through 6 until all holes are filled with plants.
8. When done planting the Polanter is ready to hang on the fixed mounting brackets or by the strap.
9. Newly planted plants need to be watered.

Using Integrated Watering System 
To water your plants, a garden hose will need to be connected to the universal hose connected on the end cap. Water needs to be turned on. The water seeps out of the porous hose. When the water starts to drip out of the base, turn off the water and unplug the hose. Depending of how many Polanter tubes that are linked together, the watering process should take around 60 to 90 seconds. Water ends up not pouring all over the gardener or the floor. Plants are watered from the inside out as nature intended. All plants are watered equally which means they grow and flower equally. If the Polanter is vertically fixed, you also have the option of watering from the top of the Polanter tube.

 Using the Polanter I have noticed that you do not have to pull as many weeds. Also since it is above ground, pests are few and far between. My grandmother who had recent shoulder surgery has a Polanter. She loves that she does not have to reach high above her head to water like she used to do with her hanging baskets. However she does have to keep the water hose near her front porch so she can use the watering system. If you decide to hang the Polanter horizontally, you do lose 4 planting holes on the bottom. If you vertically hang the Polanter, you do gain an additional planting hole in the top for a total of 13 planting holes. I have seen where people have bought multiple Polanters of different colors and mixed and matched to personalize them. I really liked black and lilac together.

Order yours today at Vertical Gardening Systems.